Safety online starts with keeping your computer secure by protecting it from viruses and other Internet threats. With an ounce of prevention, you can ensure that your computer is protected.
Safety Tips
- Keep your Internet browser and computer up to date.
- Use virus protection software and keep it current.
- Install a firewall.
Viruses and What They Can Do |
Viruses are pieces of code that install themselves onto your computer for malicious purposes. Viruses are designed to replicate themselves, spreading from computer to computer. Since the Internet is made up of millions of computers connected to each other, viruses thrive in the online world.
Some viruses are nothing more than an annoyance - others are more severe, slowing down your computer, deleting and stealing potentially sensitive information, or crashing your computer altogether.
Most viruses require some sort of human intervention - sharing and downloading infected files, opening attachments in emails, etc. The good news is that by taking a few preventive steps, you can help keep your computer safe and secure.
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Safety Tips |
1. Keep your Internet browser and computer up to date.
Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer or Netscape are constantly updated with patches that make them even more resistant to the latest external threats. By visiting the Web site of your browser's manufacturer, you can make sure that your browser is as secure as possible with the latest updates. Making sure you have all current patches for your operating system is also important. These patches can be found at the manufacturer's Web site.
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2. Use virus protection software and keep it current.
Effective virus protection software will guard your computer, automatically detecting and scanning downloads for known viruses. Some popular virus protection software makers include: McAfee Security, Symantec, Computer Associates, F-Secure and Trend Micro.
Since virus creators are always inventing new, more threatening virus definitions, simply having the virus protection software is only half the battle - you should take steps to keep it current by visiting the Web site of the maker of your virus protection software.
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3. Install a firewall
Some online hackers spend their time looking for vulnerable computers - those that have left their front door wide open. By flagging and ignoring information that seems to be from a suspicious location, a firewall disables the ports that allow criminals to access your machine, rendering your computer invisible to hackers who are in search of vulnerabilities.
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