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If Something Goes Wrong
What Do I Do If Something Goes Wrong?
eBay provides a safe buying experience for our users. If you have a problem however, eBay is here to offer protection, support and advice in resolving your issue.
  • Check the item listing. Review the seller's terms of sale (if available), item description, postage details, and payment terms.
  • Email the seller with your questions. If you don't have the seller's email address, you can request it from eBay or use the "Ask seller a question" link on the item listing page.
  • Check your email spam filters for messages from the seller. It's possible that the seller is trying to email you but your spam filters are blocking their messages.
  • Check your own contact information. It's possible that the seller is trying to email you but your contact information is incorrect. Go to "My Account" in My eBay and click on "Personal Information." Make sure your email address is correct.
  • Use eBay's Item Not Received or Significantly Not as Described process. This process is designed to make communication between buyers and sellers easier.
  • Contact your credit card company (if you paid with a credit card). Credit card companies typically provide some level of identity and purchase protection, whether you are paying with your credit card through PayPal or directly to the seller.
  • If you paid for an eligible eBay item using PayPal, you may be covered for the full purchase price of your item plus its original shipping costs*. Learn more about PayPal's Buyer Protection on eBay .
* In the case of a significantly-not-as-described claim, it's the buyer's responsibility to pay for return shipping costs, if necessary.

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