3 min article

Accepted payments policy

Only payment methods offered at eBay checkout are allowed.

Our accepted payments policy gives buyers and sellers on eBay convenient payment options. To help ensure a safe marketplace, as a seller you can only use our approved payment methods, and you must state in your listing which specific payment methods you accept. If you accept a payment method, don’t place limitations on what forms of it you accept.

What are the guidelines?


  • Payment upon pickup

    If you offer payment upon pickup, you may include this statement in your listing: "Contact me for payment methods to pay on pickup."

  • Checks

  • Money orders



  • Bank-to-bank transfers (also known as bank wire transfers and bank cash transfers)

  • Online payment services: Allpay.net, CertaPay, Fiserv, Nochex.com, XOOM

Any payments that occur outside of eBay pages are not allowed, except in certain listing categories.. See the full list of categories that allow bank-to-bank transfers, checks, money orders, and the permitted online payment services.


Not Allowed

  • PayPal
  • PayPal Credit
  • Credit card or debit card processed through the seller's Internet merchant account
  • Sending cash through the mail
  • Sending cash or money orders through instant, point-to-point cash transfer services (that are not banks) such as Western Union or MoneyGram
  • Mailing checks or money orders (except for items in categories specifically permitted)
  • Paying through bank-to-bank transfers (except for items in categories specifically permitted)
  • Paying by "topping off" a seller's prepaid credit or debit card
  • Paying using online or other payment methods not specifically permitted in this policy
  • Asking buyers to contact you for additional payment methods, or including misleading or unclear payment information
  • Offering a payment method to some buyers and not to others
  • Discouraging buyers from using any payment method you specified in the listing
  • Discouraging buyers from using eBay's accepted payment methods
  • Asking buyers to pay using a method not mentioned in the listing
  • Paying with Virtual or Cryptocurrencies
  • Placing limitations on payment methods you accept

These rules apply to all transaction-related correspondence between a seller and buyer, as well as to the listings.

In addition, you aren't allowed to make statements such as:

  • "Contact us for payment information."
  • "Contact us for other payment methods."
  • "Contact us for your preferred payment method."
  • "Buyers may request to pay by check or money order."

Activity on eBay is required to follow this policy, the eBay User Agreement and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn’t, eBay may take action consistent with applicable laws and the eBay User Agreement, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.


Why does eBay have this policy?

This policy helps to create a successful shopping and selling experience by encouraging online payment methods that are safe, easy to use, and offer strong protections for members.

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